How We Are Different

Located in the heart of Perth, Scotland, our pain and spine clinic uses the latest techniques in full-spine realignment to achieve pain relief and posture correction. Our method is based on the latest research into neuro-biomechanics and ergonomics. Basically, we look at bodies through the eyes of a structural engineer to analyse where your spine has gone off-kilter. An unbalanced spine always leads to a painful body.

Many of our patients have tried traditional chiropractors, physios, osteopaths, NHS pain clinics, spinal therapists, and other forms of pain management, without getting the lasting results they hoped for.  Most traditional  treatments only check the spots where it hurts or consider bodies to be a collection of separate parts that might hurt at one time or another. They often disregard the effect of e.g. a misaligned lower back as the cause of your neck pain. Traditional treatments are done with you lying down and the practitioner pushing back-to-front into your spine.

We Are Different

By contrast, we look at the human body as a single unit, with all the different parts working together as a single unit. If one part goes off-kilter, the rest of your body compensates. We analyse what the primary issue is and where the compensation patterns are. Our treatment is done standing up because we are interested in the effect of gravity on your symptoms and mechanical function. We take a head-to-toe approach because where it hurts is not always where the problem is. And we push front-to-back because the latest research tell us that that’s the most effective way to get your body to stay upright and out of pain.

An Innovative Approach to Back Pain
and Posture Correction

We take before-and-after pictures to document your progress, as your body unwinds out of old twisted, painful patterns into a more stable and upright posture that comes with pain relief and greater mobility. Once we get you out of pain, we want the results to last.

For this to happen, we need to ensure your body is supported for optimum balance whether you are sitting, standing, or sleeping. Find out more about our ergonomic lifestyle advice.